Inspired From Above

Inspired From Above

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Joy of Motherhood

Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all." (Proverbs 31:28-29 ESV)

 The most beautiful, incredible, and successful woman I have ever known is my mother! In her own words, "like Leonardo Davinci, and Michael Angelo had a masterpiece; my greatest masterpiece, and life's work is my five children!" Can you imagine how different our world would be if every woman viewed motherhood this way? She has spent her life investing in six eternal souls, her five children and her husband. She has impacted far more people than she will ever know while living on this earth! I can't count the times people have shared how my mother has made an impression on them in some way.  What is even more amazing to me is that she never tried to get  attention or praise from others. She never wanted to be in the spotlight, in fact she went out of her way to stay out of the spotlight. I've never once heard her brag about anything she has done. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. (‭Matthew‬ ‭23‬:‭12‬ ESV)

 When you are living a surrendered life to God and desire to please Him alone,  you have the ability to make a far greater impact than those who live to please themselves and others.

 The fact that my mom lived a life of such humility, yet was so filled with joy, peace, and contentment made a deep impression on me. We live in a culture that preaches the message "It's all about me! My goals, my accomplishments, my desires, my happiness" etc. Yet the people who live with this mindset actually feel quite empty inside and have a hard time being fully content in any circumstance good or bad.

 The happiest, and most content people I've ever met are those who spend their lives pouring into, and serving others! In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” (‭Acts‬ ‭20‬:‭35‬ ESV)

 Don't get me wrong, I'm all about "me time" and I believe that it is very important for a mother to take care of herself. I believe taking time for myself, doing things I enjoy, setting personal goals, etc. is a must and  makes me a much better mom and wife! :-)

 My dad and siblings would all agree with me when I say that none of us would be where we are today if it wasn't for my mom's sacrificial labor of love. My mother lived out the gospel beautifully while raising us. I never once felt as a child that she was sacrificing her goals and dreams for us, because it was so evident that we were her heartbeat! She knew that investing in our lives was far more valuable than any other pursuit she could go after. She would tell us often that she loved being our mom. I will never forget that!

  A question for all the mamas out there; are you fulfilling your role as mother out of duty or joy? Now, we ALL have our hard days where we feel tired, discouraged, unappreciated, etc. But at the end of the day you can either see motherhood as something to get through or something to enjoy and cherish. The choice is yours, and it will impact your children.  I know there are mothers who didn't have this example in their lives. Well, be encouraged! The Creator of the universe views motherhood as a high calling, if not THE highest calling!  And His Word is very clear about how He views this role.

  Barbra Walters is one of the most successful women in the world. In an interview she explains a regret that she has, here is what she says;  “I was so busy with a career. It’s the age-old problem,” ..... “And, you know, on your death bed are you going to say, ‘I wish I spent more time in the office?’ No. You’ll say, ‘I wish I spent more time with my family,’ and I do feel that way. I wish I had spent more time with my Jackie.”

 The years we have with our precious little ones are very short! I know it doesn't seem that way when everyday can feel like the same routine, but the truth is our children will be grown ups in the blink of an eye! I've never heard a mother of grown children say, "It took forever for them to grow up!" No, instead I always hear, "Cherish every moment because they grow up so fast!"

 Here is an honest question to ask yourself;  "If I were to die tomorrow, what is the memory my husband and children would have of me?" Would they remember a complaining, bitter, resentful mom and wife? Or, would they remember a joyful, happy, thankful mom and wife? No one is promised tomorrow.........NO ONE! What are you living for?  Our time on earth is a vapor! My husband's grandmother is 86 years old; the last few times we have visited with her she has told me the same thing; "I've lived for 86 years but it has flown by, my life has gone by so fast!" 86 years is a long time, but seems so short once you've lived those years. Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, And my age is as nothing before You; Certainly every man at his best state is but vapor. Selah (‭Psalms‬ ‭39‬:‭5‬ NKJV)

 Another question I want you to ask yourself is this; "If I I knew I only had one month to live, how would I spend my last month?" Personally, I would want to soak up and cherish every moment with my precious family!! Remember, you really could have just one month to live and not even know it! I often keep this reality in mind, and it helps me keep my priorities in check!

 How God defines success is opposite of how the world defines success. If you truly get this, you will find contentment in whatever He calls you to do; and if He has chosen to bless you with children, you can be assured He has called you to raise them, and pour your life into nurturing their eternal souls! I promise you will never regret it!

Happy Mother's Day! <3

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sexual Purity; Old Fashioned and Out Dated?

  I've been meaning to write about this issue for some time now. Unfortunately,  this subject is incredibly unpopular today; even in  the church (It seems whenever the subject of sexual purity is brought up in a conversation, people tend to become uncomfortable and start to feel as though they are being judged.) I am not here to judge anyone. I am in no position to do that because I am simply a sinner saved by grace who would be nothing apart from my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. However, I truly desire young people to know that sex is worth waiting for. 

 Over the years, I have become passionate about sexual purity as I have listened to many young ladies explain how they carry deep emotional scars due to giving themselves away much too early.  

 Sexual purity and abstinence are old fashioned and out dated concepts to the majority; even amongst evangelicals. This is why a disturbing, twisted, and pornographic movie, such as "50 Shades of Grey" will be celebrated this weekend by millions. Young people are being bombarded with sexual temptation in every corner of their lives; especially in this instantaneously gratifying digital age of technology. Anything somebody wants to see is just a click away. A person doesn't have to go looking for pornography; pornography comes looking for them through pop-ups on computer screens, highway billboards, commercials, etc. 

Unfortunately, sex education comes from the media more than anywhere else. I believe the church has done a very poor job of speaking openly and honestly about sex, and the consequences when practiced outside of marriage.  

 In high school, I was told by a fellow peer who happened to be in my youth group that "sex is overrated." As one man put it, "sex is like an itch, if you need it scratched, go get it scratched." If sex was practiced more inside of marriage between one man and one woman, the way in which it was intended, it would feel like anything but casual and overrated. I speak from experience, it's the furthest thing from that. 

 You see, a big part of the problem is that we have an enemy of our souls. He has sold our society a big fat lie; that sex is nothing special and there is nothing wrong with having casual sex when desired. "Describing sex as “casual” is like describing the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel as a “nice little doodle.” (Matt Walsh) 

 God is the author of sex. He didn't make this incredibly fun, deeply intimate, and thrilling act (just a few words to describe it) and then think “oh, but I don't want anyone to enjoy it!" No!! That's what Satan wants you to think though, that God is boring and that He doesn't want anything good for you! He just makes a bunch of rules, and then distances Himself.  The reason God wants us to save ourselves sexually for a marital relationship between one man and one woman, is because He KNOWS the devastation, and emotional scars that sex outside of marriage can, and will bring! He knows that when a man and woman have sex, life is made; an eternal soul is brought into existence. Even if the relationship doesn't last, those two people are connected in a deep way forever, even if they don't have a baby together. 

 There is a "oneness" that takes place during sex. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭24‬ ESV) When a man and woman have sex, whether they believe it or not, whether they like it or not, they connect not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This is why God designed this precious, fragile gift for the covenant relationship of marriage.

 The enemy of your soul doesn't tell you that after you give every part of yourself sexually to another person who isn't your spouse, that a part of you will forever be with that person. That when/if you get married, it could bring hurt/pain into your marriage that is difficult to work through. That when you look into the eyes of the man/woman you marry with pain and regret you have to tell them that you aren't a virgin; and that someone else has known and experienced the deepest part of you. Partners tend to have less respect for one another if they've had sex prior to marriage.

  People will often say, (I've been told this)  "If you wait until marriage to have sex, you will wish that you had more sexual experiences; you will always wonder what it would have been like to have more than one partner; you will have a boring, and dull sex life." My response; I have no regrets. 

  I am  thankful that I had no "experience" on my wedding night, I am thankful that I had no other sexual partner in my life besides my beloved husband, I am thankful that I did not have sex with my husband until our wedding night. But more than anything else, I am SO thankful I can honestly look into my husband's eyes and say, "You are the only one who I've ever given myself to. You are the only one who knows me in this way." And it's definitely not dull and boring! ;-)

 To the young woman who may or may not have heard these truths, here ya go;

-You are made in the image of God! "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." (Genesis 1:26) Can you even wrap your mind around this? You have an eternal soul; God is eternal; and He made you just the way that you are and He has a purpose for your life!

- You're worthy because of Jesus! He is crazy about you.......He shed His blood for you!

-You don't need a guy to make you feel beautiful; You are breathtaking, just the way you are! "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:13-14)

-You are infinitely loved and valued far more than you will ever understand! Christ loves you so much that He died the most brutal death for you! (John 3:16)

-You are worth waiting for! A man who truly loves you, loves God first. He will want to have sex with you, but WON'T have sex with you until the day you get married! If he has sex with you before then, he loves himself more than you and God!

  Many will read this and think; "well, that's great for you, but what if I've had sex outside of marriage?" or "What if I'm married, but my spouse and I were not sexually pure when we married?" Oh how I have exciting news for you!! There is always hope in Christ!! He will give you new beginnings, restore what was once broken and shattered! He makes all things new, and will turn the ugliest, most broken situation into something new and beautiful! All you have to do is genuinely repent, get on your knees with your spouse and ask God to forgive you for having sex outside of marriage. Ask Him to restore, and renew your relationship with Him and each other! "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10) 

If you are single, and have had pre-marital sex; ask God to forgive you and restore your sexual purity and He will!!!  No matter what you have done in your past, God will forgive you!! He thinks you are beautiful, and precious.....He truly cherishes you! All things work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28)
 I know couples who were not sexually pure when they got married, but because they are walking in obedience to Christ, and living for Him; have incredible marriages! Remember this; He makes all things new! 

Love, and blessings!!
Danielle <3

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

From Girls to Women

What a huge responsibility to raise these precious girls in the world we live in today! My deepest desire is to raise them to know their Creator, and how much He loves them, and cares about the deepest parts of their hearts! How much He cherishes every detail of their lives. I want them to know that He paints a sunset in the sky for them to enjoy, and He is taken with their smiles when they see it! I hope they find their identity in no one or nothing; but only Jesus who gave His life for them. As they grow, our world will encourage them to be feminists, with a mindset that they need nothing or no one accept themselves. I want them to know that they desperately need Christ, and Him alone. Only through a relationship with Him will they be truly confident, strong women with peace and joy unexplainable. And, though strong, and confident, have soft, loving, and compassionate hearts that are teachable!